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SJSL Together
Smelly Yellow Welly Club Celebration
SYWC Great memories and great times It was 30 years ago this Easter that St John’s held the first Smelly Yellow Welly Club and it...

SJSL Together
40 Faces, 40 Places - our parish prayer journal through Lent
WILLIAM MARTIN My name is Will and I am 15. I am currently in Year 10 at St Aidan’s studying for my GCSE’s; my favourite subjects are...

SJSL Together
40 Faces, 40 Places, our parish prayer journal through Lent
JAN JOHNSON I’m not a groups person, especially groups of strangers, as actually I’m quite reserved almost shy. I prefer to merge into...

SJSL Together

SJSL Together
40 Faces, 40 places - Our parish Prayer Journal through Lent
Peter Fenton My name is Peter. I was baptised on my 50th birthday. So I'm a relative newcomer to Christianity. I now go to St Lukes...

SJSL Together
Mission Partners - Chris & Anna Hembury - Link Letter
Read their March 23 update here

SJSL Together
40 Faces, 40 Places, our parish prayer journal
This week we are praying for Joseph Martin My name is Joe and I am 16. I am currently in sixth form at St Aidan’s studying A Levels in...

SJSL Together
Young People's Worker Appeal
In 2019, through the amazing generosity of the people of St John’s and St Luke’s, funding was found to make the decision to employ a...

SJSL Together
40 Faces, 40 places, Our Prayer Journal through Lent
JULIET DUKE I work for Leeds City Council as a Manager in the Older People’s Social Housing Team. As I’m sure you can imagine my Team...

SJSL Together

SJSL Together
Christmas Tree Festival - come and have a look!
We have 20 trees at St John's which have been set up by different church and community groups, uniformed organisations and local schools....

SJSL Together
Confirmations at St John's, November 2022
On Sunday 20th November, 6 candidates from St John's & St Luke's were confirmed in a service led by Bishop of Ripon, Rgt Rev Dr Helen-Ann...

SJSL Together

SJSL Together

SJSL Together

SJSL Together

SJSL Together
Welcome Event - Come along!
Come along to St John's on Sunday 16th October, 3.30-5pm

SJSL Together
Christmas Tree Festival - New for '22
Get creative and decorate a tree to be displayed at St John's throughout December

SJSL Together
Thirst - 12th October - Macmillan Coffee Morning
10.30-12noon at Dene Park Community Centre, HG1 4JZ Cakes and tea/coffee will be available and all proceeds will be going to Macmillan to...

SJSL Together
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