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About us

Our Vision


We believe that God, who loves us with a deep and unbreakable love, has called us to ‘make disciples who make Jesus known.’ Thus our priorities are to help each other in our journeys of discipleship and help others enter that journey, so that the Kingdom

of God grows in us and through us.


We think that a great tool to help us in our shared journey of discipleship and mission is what is known as ‘The Jesus Pattern’ or the ‘Up, In, Out Triangle.’


It is a simple but powerful image which reminds us that the life of discipleship needs to be three dimensional – connecting Up with God, connecting In with each other, and connecting Out with the world.


We are convinced that all three dimensions are needed if we are to be disciples and a church who have a right balance in who we are and what we do.


A biblical base for this model is Luke 6 vv 12-19. There we read of Jesus spending time with His Father in prayer (the Up); of Him calling the disciples to Him (the In); and of Him going Out to preach and heal (the Out). If you want to find out more about this model of church life, please click on the YouTube video below.

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St John’s parish was formed in the 1850s with the church building (designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, the famous Victorian architect) being dedicated in 1857, while St Luke’s church was planted by nearby Christ Church in the 1890s. The two parishes became one in 1996 and have been working together ever since whilst retaining their own distinct identities.  


If you would like to find out more about the history of St John's, a booklet was printed for the 150th anniversary and is available to buy from the church for £2.


To see an aerial view of St John's and its location in Bilton watch this video



Sunday Services

@ St John's

1st Sunday


9.00am - Said Holy Communion Service

10.30am - All Age Parade Service/Morning Worship with band



2nd Sunday


9.00am - Said Holy Communion Service

 10.30am - Holy Communion - organ, choir and/or band/pianist



3rd Sunday


9.00am - Said Holy Communion Service

10.30am - Morning Worship - band/pianist



4th Sunday 


9.00am - Said Holy Communion Service 

10.30am - Morning Worship - organ, choir and/or band/pianist



5th Sunday


9.00am - Said Holy Communion Service

10.30am - Joint Parish Holy Communion - band/pianist



Various Sundays


At different points throughout the year we have healing services, services for the bereaved and other one-off occasions.



At these services we offer prayer ministry for those who want individual prayer for themselves or on behalf of others, and tea and coffee are always served afterwards. Groups for children and youth take place on all Sundays except the 1st one of the month, which is all age friendly.



We also have a regular midweek service:

Wednesday - Holy Communion, 10.30am
This takes place every week at St John’s. There is a real community feel, with people caring for each other as well as welcoming the visitor or newcomer, often over coffee and chat at the end of the service.


Sunday Services

@ St LUKE's

1st Sunday


10:30am - Holy Communion


At this service we retell the story of the Last Supper, and there is music, prayers, readings, drama, and a talk. We always try to unpack something of what Holy Communion is, and why we share the bread and wine. We meet together, and we remember that Jesus welcomes everyone to his table.


2nd Sunday


10:30am - Cafe Church

At this service we meet around tables whilst enjoying some tea or coffee and biscuits, all ages together with music, prayers, a reading from the Bible, and a short talk. There's often an activity for the children (and adults who prefer to be doing something!).


3rd Sunday


10:30am - Morning Worship

This is a non-Eucharistic service (no Communion) where we have music, prayers, readings, and a slightly longer talk. 



4th Sunday


10:30am - All Age Morning Worship


5th Sunday


10:30am - Joint Parish Holy Communion at St John's


Children's work is provided during the 1st Sunday service, in term time.










If you would like to have your child christened (also referred to as baptised) at our church or have a service of thanksgiving for them, then we would love to hear from you. Please click here for our leaflet containing all the information you will need.


Of course, it is not just babies that are baptised, there are increasing numbers of older children and adults who seek baptism. Please speak to us if this is something that interests you.


Our baptisms usually take place on the Second Sunday of the month at St John's at 12.30pm. Get in-touch to find out more about St Luke's.

























If you are thinking about getting married at St John’s or St Luke's we would love to hear from you. Please click here for our wedding brochure with all the information you will need. If you have any questions please contact the church office on 01423 565129 or email


You can find lots of very useful information from Church of England about getting married in church at the following link: 
















If your wedding is taking place in another church and you need to have your banns of marriage read at St John’s or St Luke's, please either contact the church office or come along to our surgery at St John’s – the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, between 6.30pm and 7.15pm. See the church calendar for confirmation of dates.



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If you have suffered a bereavement and would like one of our ministers to take a funeral service for your loved one, either at church or at the crematorium, then normally all the initial arrangements are made through a funeral director who will then contact us on your behalf.

If, however, you would like advice or support from us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the church office.


If you are looking to make plans for your own funeral, download this

funeral wishes booklet.


We have a bereavement support group

and hold twice-yearly services to remember and

give thanks to help folk remember their loved ones,

look out for upcoming dates in the church diary.

We also hold a monthly Comfort Bereavement

Café at St John's, come along on the second

Tuesday of each month, 2.00-3.30pm,

you will find people who will listen to you as an individual

and respect your story - and they won't be upset

if you cry. Afternoon tea is served and

there is an opportunity to light a candle for a loved one.


Garden of Remembrance


Unfortunately St John’s churchyard has no burial spaces left, although the Garden of Remembrance is an area reserved for the burial of ashes. We are now allowed to place stone plaques within the area following the guidelines

on this document.


If you have previously had a family members ashes interred and would like to mark their area, please do get in touch through the parish office.

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St John's and St Luke's premises are available to hire, either on a one-off or regular basis for different purposes.


If you are interested in hiring St John's Church Hall, please contact David Finnegan on 07789 382593.


If you would like to hire one of the rooms within St John's or St Luke's, please contact the parish office on 01423 565129




The Green Team


Formed following the 2018 Creationtide events, the St John’s and St Luke’s Green Team are a small group who seek to do what they can to support and grow the whole church community to care for God’s Creation.


In 2019 St John's was awarded the A Rocha Eco Church Bronze Award, a scheme to help churches reduce their environmental impact and in 2022 we were awarded the Eco Church Silver Award in 2022 and we are working towards Gold.








In 2024 we were awarded the A Rocha Eco Church Bronze Award at St Luke's.








We meet every 6 weeks in prayer and discussion about ecological living. Using the Eco Church award questionnaire as a template we are developing strategies to reduce the environmental impact of our church and its community.


So far, we have:

  • Twinned the toilet at St John’s with a latrine at Kabale District, Uganda, through funding from JAM Toddler group

  • Twinned the toilet at St Luke's with a latrine at Kagoro in Zambia, through funding from Little Fishes

  • Researched and developed changes with the St John’s garden team to promote wildflower and hedgerow growth, bee friendly planting and identification of species on the land of St John’s

  • In 2022 we were awarded the Wildlife Friendly Workplace Award by Harrogate District Biodiversity Action Group

  • Bright Sparks Children built a bug hotel in the church grounds

  • Promoted ecological living through the notice sheet and magazine

  • Switched to less plastic use in goods purchased and recycled materials (eg paper) where possible

  • Have set up a recycle-station inside St John's to encourage recycling more everyday items

  • In 2023 we installed bike racks to encourage more bicycle use when coming to church or activities in the church hall

  • Designed and installed a sign board to show the abundance of trees and plants found in the churchyard at St John's using funds available from the local council

  • In 2024 St Luke's was awarded a Bronze Eco-Church award from A Rocha.


We would love to do LOTS MORE! If you have an interest in wanting to do more to live more ecologically sound, or just want to learn more??


Please contact Claire Golightly on


Download some handy eco-tips here



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You can recycle used printer ink cartridges (not toner) and household batteries at both churches.

Look out for the boxes to drop them into, or speak to a Churchwarden.

Not only does it stop them going into landfill and potentially harming the environment but it also earns the parish a few pennies.

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The Green Team



St John's and St Luke's respects the privacy of private individuals and looks after any personal data that you share with us properly. Please click here to view St John's and St Luke's full Data Privacy Notice.



Primary and secondary school application SIF forms can be signed by the clergy at specific times after services at both church, check dates on the website calendar

Our parish policy on school applications is available to download here.

Please DO NOT fill out the section regarding church attendance beforehand, this is to be checked and completed by the member of clergy signing the form.

School Admission Policy

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T: 01423 565129     




Parish Office Opening Times:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday - 9.30am-1.00pm

Tuesday - 11.30am-1.00pm

The parish office is located through to the back of St John's Church

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©2024 by St John's & St Luke's Together Harrogate. Proudly created with

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