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SJSL Together
Parish Weekend at Scargill House
On the weekend of 4th to 6th October we had our first Parish Weekend away at Scargill House near Kettlewell. We were heartily welcomed by...

SJSL Together
Blessing of Animals Service
Some of the wonderful animals (and their owners) that came to our recent service. Fantastic to have so many of God's creatures brought...

SJSL Together
Eco-Church Bronze Award
Following a years hard work by The Green Team looking into how to make St John's more eco-friendly, we have been awarded the A Rocha...

SJSL Together

SJSL Together

SJSL Together
The event of the summer! SJ&SL Summer Fair
See our entertainment programme here

SJSL Together
Confirmation Service at St Luke's
Wonderful Confirmation Service with Bishop Helen-Ann, celebrating what God is doing in the lives of five great people.
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