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SJSL Together
Christingle Services
Just as we did last year, to reduce the risks of COVID transmission, this year we are asking you to make your Christingles at home and...

SJSL Together

SJSL Together
Advent Book Suggestions
Order through the office by 21st November for the discounted prices shown. REFLECTIONS FOR ADVENT A traditional book to read through...

SJSL Together
Youth trip to Scargill - what a fantastic time they had......
Our weekend at Scargill was filled with fun, laughter, food, fellowship and God's love. We played messy games with custard and ice-cream,...

SJSL Together
Parish Giving Scheme - how you can help in Generosity Week and beyond
The PGS helps regular givers donate safely to their church by direct debit either monthly, quarterly or annually. You can make regular...

SJSL Together
Generosity Week Letter from SImon
Read Simon's letter by downloading from here

SJSL Together
Harvest at St John's & St Luke's
Any non-perishable donations can be brought to the services and will then be shared between Resurrected Bites and Harrogate Homeless...

SJSL Together
Back to Church Sunday - 12th September... Who will you invite?
This is a great opportunity to invite those who may have been to church for a wedding, baptism or funeral, or have simply halted coming...

SJSL Together
Walking Group - would you like to join?
Walking Small Group: Hopefully you will be aware of the “small groups” which are being set up and are still developing at St John’s and...

SJSL Together
Andy's final farewell as he leaves us for Dore.
On Saturday 4th September, we will be holding a ‘do’ at St John’s from 5-7pm, please bring your own picnic. Tea/coffee and ice creams...

SJSL Together
Announcement from Andy Patrick
We are delighted to announce that following a thorough and prayerful process of discernment, on the recommendation of the interview...

SJSL Together
COVID update from the parish and Bishop Nick - 19th July
Read our local parish guidance by clicking here Read a letter from Bishop Nick to all parishes here

SJSL Together
Cafe Church Picnic on Sunday 11th July, why don't you join us....
To book your place, follow this link

SJSL Together
Thank you and Giving Review Letter from Simon and Andrew
Read a letter from Rev Simon and Andrew McHutchon (Gift Aid Secretary) here

SJSL Together
Hembury's Latest Update - read what our Mission Partners have been up to this year
Download their newsletter here

SJSL Together
Thy Kingdom Come - ***UPDATED
We will be starting with an ASCENSION DAY PRAYER MEETING on 13th May at 7.30pm at St Luke's Church. Please book your place via...

SJSL Together
Lay training being offered by the Diocese of Leeds
There are a number of courses being offered by the diocese this spring and summer and a number that you can undertake at your own pace at...

SJSL Together
Clergy Letter for May - from Laura
Dear all, As I write this letter, we are fast approaching our elder son’s fifteenth birthday. Welcoming our first son into the world was,...

SJSL Together
Christian Aid Week - can you help?
This climate crisis hurts us all. But people living in poverty fight the worst of it every day. From drought to flooding, climate change...
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