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SJSL Together
Annual Parochial Church Meeting - this Sunday, 25th April at 11.30am, watch in person or via zoom
You can join this year's meeting in person by booking your place through Eventbrite

SJSL Together
National Day of Reflection - 23rd March
National Day of Reflection Initiated by Marie Curie, the Church of England is supporting the National Day of Reflection on 23 March,...

SJSL Together
Annual Parochial Church Meeting- Sunday 25th April
ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Sunday 25th April Election of Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod Representatives. Nomination...

SJSL Together
We are now in Fairtrade Fortnight, meet one of our Mission Partners - Artizan International
Artizan International (originally named Craft Aid International) was founded in 2013 by Susie Hart MBE (a member of St Luke's), on...

SJSL Together
Alpha Online starting in March - come and join us
Online Alpha starts on Wednesday 10th March at 7.30pm via zoom. An opportunity to discuss the big questions of life and explore the...

SJSL Together
Small Groups... would you like to join one?
Just as Jesus formed his own small group so we know that we all flourish, find support and learn well in small groups. As we all connect...

SJSL Together
Lent Reading Suggestions
Living His Story - Hannah Steele Revealing the extraordinarily love of God in ordinary ways: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book...

SJSL Together
Reading for Life Group
Now we are in another lockdown, I thought it would be a good idea to start a reading group – where members all read a chapter of a book...

SJSL Together
Join us for daily compline, every evening on our Facebook page
Compline is used as the perfect end to the day. It is recommended that a time of quietness should precede Compline, emptying out all the...

SJSL Together
Public Worship during lockdown 3.0 suspended
It is with a heavy heart that I have to let you know that the church council decided last night that all public services at St John's and...

SJSL Together
#thelightshines trail around Harrogate starts on 18th December. To download the free trail visit The Harrogate Hub website.

SJSL Together
The Children's Society - donations from Christingle Services
At our Christingle Services all money raised is for The Children's Society. We also usually have collections from the pupils at Richard...

SJSL Together
Advent and Christmas at St John's & St Luke's
Read a letter from Rev Andy about this season at St John's and St Luke's

SJSL Together
Christingle 2020 - a year with a difference
This year we are doing something different and we are asking everyone to make their own Christingles before coming to the service at St...

SJSL Together
#thelightshines John 1:5
Check out the YouTube video here You can register to take part, or download the trail by following this link to the Harrogate Hub website...

SJSL Together
Suggested Advent Books
Dr Carys Walsh, curate at All Saints’, Kettering, leapfrogs all these divisions by offering a book completed a year ago. Frequencies of...

SJSL Together
Parenting for Faith Course via Zoom - starting in January
Would you like to know more about how to nurture faith in your children? Would you like your children to connect with God more but are...

SJSL Together
The Advent 'Outdoor Explore' 2020
The purpose of this activity is to help families (and individuals) engage with advent outdoors amidst creation (one thing we can still...

SJSL Together
Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Tuesday 3rd November 7.30pm
Following the latest Government announcement, this year's APCM will now only be held via zoom. All relevant documents can be downloaded...

SJSL Together
*CANCELLED* A Service to Remember and Give Thanks
We warmly invite you and your family to this Service to Remember. This is a simple service that provides an opportunity to remember a...
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